Supported Networks

Earn staking rewards

Myrmidon supports a wide variety of chains that aligns with our values towards a decentralized future. Our goal is to maximize rewards for you through our easy to use guides and dashboards. Our promise to you is to keep a high level of security while maintaining uptime across all networks we support. All this while you keep control of your keys as your preferred non-custodial staking service.


3-5% APR



3-6% APR



6-8% APR


Partisia Blockchain

20-40% APR



Coming soon


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General Questions

Find information about staking

How do I stake with Myrmidon?

How to stake depends on the network. Some networks work with delegation of tokens and other network works in a different way. We recommend to look under every network and follow our easy guidelines on how to get started.

Does Myrmidon Staking charge a fee?

Yes. Please see our fee structure under each network to see how much and how we charge fees to your specific network.

Is Myrmidon Staking safe to use?

Yes. As a non-custodial staking service, we never ask for your private key or custody your funds. They stay safe with you! We run our own dedicated nodes for all networks in our state of art facilities. This is your guarantee that we can react fast and not rely on any third party providers for delivering our service.

Why choose Myrmidon Staking?

We have many years of experience with staking and never had any events of slashing or breakdown. Furthermore, as the only provider in the market, we provide our customers with mnemonic seed phrases for their validators, so in the event of Myrmidon Staking not being available, customers can always secure their funds by gaining access to their validators. We never ask for private keys nor do we custody funds, which makes us a safe choice for your staking journey.

How often does Myrmidon add new networks?

We are always looking to expand our supported networks. We do not have a specific policy of when we add new networks. You can always get in contact with us if you have a suggestion for a network you would like to see supported by Myrmidon Staking.

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